Thursday, August 22, 2019

Finding Articles on Your Favorite World War I Subject


Today I'm publishing article number 2,300 on Roads to the Great War.  I thought I should take this opportunity to address a troublesome issue that, I guess, is built into the blog format.  Frequently over the years, I get suggestions or requests for articles on matters I've previously posted multiple articles.  However, sometimes I'm surprised in the other direction—that  in the endlessly interesting annals of the First World War there are apparently a number (probably a lot) of events I just have never thought or heard about.  Yes, there are things I don't know, I don't know.

For today's exercise, I'd like us to attempt an experiment, hopefully  corrective in both directions.  Please go to our search engine (shown on graphic below) and type in your favorite WWI topic. I predict that in most cases you will get a list of pertinent articles.  If you get the dreaded "No Results", please leave a comment below with your search entry.  I will put on my researcher's hat, head for the library, and crank out an article for you and all our readers to fill that gap. If you are one of those truly wonderful people who have read all 2,299 previously postings, please take a day off.  You've well earned it.

Happy #2,300 Day

From Your Editor/Publisher Mike Hanlon


  1. Well I tried 27th Inf Div-got 26 Inf Div; tried AEF II Corps-got Turkish II Corps; tried 107 Inf Reg-no hits.
    Something about the US II Corps would be nice.

    1. Excellent DJ. I checked and I do not have a major article on the 27th Division or the II Corps. This surprised me because I've covered them in other publications of mine. Look for a significant article in early September.


      PS: If you type 27th Division AEF in the search box, you should get an article about their welcome home parade in New York and a noted cartoonist who served with the division

    2. Hi DJ,

      I was finally able to put together what I think you will find is an interesting article on the 27th Division. Look for it on Wednesday, 9 October.


  2. 23,000 posts! WOW!
    (And I happily found plenty of stuff when I searched just now)

    1. Thanks Bryan, but you just caught me padding my stats. It's 2,300 not 23,000. Oh well!

  3. Congratulations on article #2300 -- your blog is a treasure trove of information. I found one article that briefly mentioned "Wellington House," but more on the secret goings-on there would be much appreciated!

    1. Thanks for you kind comments, Connie. I see I've been a little short on propaganda. Look for a Wellington House article in early September.

  4. And I found an article on the Devonshire Regiment and the Devonshire trench at the Somme! I agree with Connie--this is a treasure trove of information.

    1. Thanks David. I've appreciated you support and, especially, your outstanding contributions over the years.

