Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Somme: Then and Now–Video

I found this film about the Somme experience both informative and moving. You'll feel intimacy, like you're part of a stretcher detail or helping Royal Marines fire a 15.5 inch howitzer. The editor uses the technique of overlaying combat footage (black and white) on contemporary color views of the battlefield to great effect. However, let me say, you will not enjoy this unless you are an active viewer. It's tough to visually integrate the two types of film and a lot of clues (the graphics, for example, are very helpful but on the small side) will be missed if you take a passive approach.  Anyway, happy viewing.  MH


  1. Well done. Fascinating then and now. Very moving. Thank you.

  2. “Very well done. Thank you. Yes they are all gone. Lest we forget.” Margaret Hammond, Australia

  3. Outstanding. Very well done. Brought back many memories of WWI Tours with Mike and Valor.
