Tuesday, May 7, 2024

From My Bookshelf: The Best Book for World War I Poster Enthusiasts

All my readers seem to know I love World War I posters.  Consequently, over the years I've advised some of them on the best place to shop for authentic specimens and I've received jpgs of some exceptional specimens I've used here on Roads. However, the best collection of posters from the war I've ever seen up to right now was this gift from my pal and traveling mate, Mr. Jack Kavanagh. In 2002, collector Gary Borkan and Schiffer Publishing of Pennsylvania put out this superb collection of posters. The posters are beautifully displayed with background information on the artists and technical details important to collectors. All types of posters are represented, recruiting, fund raising, government sponsored propaganda, voluntary organizations, and some postwar examples. The 450 selections are mostly from America and other English-speaking countries, with maybe ten percent from the other combatants. Below are images of some of the selections I particularly liked that I found online. Their quality is not up to the standard of the hard copy version of World War I Posters.  MH 

World War I Posters can be ordered HERE

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