Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Over the Top Magazine: The Complete Collection

As some of our readers might have read elsewhere, with the wrapping-up of the World War One Centennial commemorations, I have decided to conclude publication of my monthly subscription magazine, Over the Top.  December 2018 will mark the release of our final issue, the 144th.  However, all 12 years of the magazine will be available along with many other of our special features for purchase on our Complete Collection DVD.

Click on Images to Expand

Besides all the issues of the magazine the disk will include a long list of "extras" (listed on the cover) that we have published in conjunction with Over the Top and our other publications at Worldwar1.comThe retail price for the DVD is $64.00.


  1. Michael...my name is Tom Campion. At the age of 10 my father took me to the Verdun battle field. Ever since then I have caught up reading all about the war and on and on. I was born in Belgium from an American father and Belgian mother. Raised in France and now in Florida. Long story. I would like to call you if I may. I saw you phone number somewhere on this site but can't find it now. I have been to Ypres, Verdun numerous times. I head back this April. Could you please send me your phone number so I may call you. Tom Campion ph:813.600.7200

  2. Is the over the top cd still for sale?.
    I'd like to get one if so. Please advise asap.
    Reply to joe,

    1. Hi, I am just about to redo all the marketing information I have floating on the internet for the OVER THE TOP DVD.

      Please email me at mike.greatwar@gmail.com for the current information.
      Thanks for your interest.

  3. As I live in Brazil I would like to know if you are sending the DVD OVer the Top to my country.

    1. Hi Rogerio, Yes, I would be happy to ship the DVD to your home in Brazil. I have checked on mailing costs and it will be $19 U.S. to mail either product First Class International. Let's split that cost. If you will add $9.00 to the price for either disk ($73.00 for complete collection, $36.00 for Music Only), I would be happy to mail them to you in Brazil. Also, I would suggest going with the Flash Drive option rather than the disk version. To pay, just follow the instructions provided in the article above.

      Thanks for your interest,


  4. Nice post thank you Tracey
