Saturday, June 20, 2020

My AEF Battlefield Guide

Since 1991 I have been leading First World War battlefield tours to the Western Front, Gallipoli and Italy, and this will be my last year doing so. By far, the greatest interest for my groups has been in the American battlefields. Also, over the years I have received hundreds of inquiries through the Internet as to how to visit the site where a family member, a Doughboy, airman, marine, or sailor served and how to gain information on what happened where they fought. What I decided to do for the subscribers of my publications OVER THE TOPROADS TO THE GREAT WAR, and the ST. MIHIEL TRIP-WIRE was consolidate and organize all the information I have gathered over the years on the battlefields of the American Expeditionary Forces into one document. I hope you will consider purchasing it. It is a distillation of all my research and on-site explorations on the subject, organized in a way that I believe is easy to follow. Here are some details about the work and how to purchase it.

The Battlefields Covered:

  • Cantigny
  • Chateau-Thierry, Belleau Wood, and Vaux
  • Second Battle of the Marne
  • Flanders: Mt. Kemmel
  • Frapelle
  • St. Mihiel Salient
  • Meuse-Argonne
  • The Hindenburg Line & Beyond
  • Blanc Mont Ridge
  • Flanders-Lys
  • Other Notable Operations

Sample Section


  • 28-page, full color, large 8½ x 11-inch printable PDF document, readable on desktops, laptops, or P.E.D. devices
  • Ten major battles and five notable smaller operations covered
  • Each main section includes: quick facts, then-and-now photos, maps, details about the battle, and key sites to visit with GPS coordinates.
  • Delivered electronically
Price: $14.99

How to Purchase

Include Both Your Email & Mailing Address for Delivery


  1. I bought a copy a couple of years ago to help shape my tours and it is an excellent resource. I highly recommend it for those of you who may visit the AEF battlefields.

  2. Is it still available in book form?

    1. No Gary, it's only delivered electronically, but it can be easily printed out.

  3. I’d like to purchase. My father. 325th infantry was between St.Juvin and sommerance. Is it covered. Whereccan I purchase?

    1. Hi, I've written a general guide so it does not have details on regimental operations like those of the 325th Inf. However, there is an excellent first hand account of that fight in a family memoir titled, ON THE HILLS OF ROME by John Calvin, pgs 76-77. You can read it online by searching for the title on Google Books and then scrolling to the pages.
      If you still want to buy my guide, look in the blue books in the article above for instructions.


  4. Having much trouble finding on the hills of Rome by john Calvin.

    1. Sorry the version I was looking at was really hard to read and I got the title wrong. It's actually "On the Hills of Home" (not Rome). Good news, there is a much easier to read version at the Internet Archive, here:


  5. I'll be sending a check, even if we may have have to fight our way in against a European ban on us infectious Americans.

    I don't believe we were banned in 1917 -- or 1944.

    Mike Bertinetti
