Sunday, January 14, 2024

American Women in the Great War Banner

This striking banner was produced by our friend Dana Lombardy for San Francisco's World War One Centennial and was displayed at the city's War Memorial during 2018. The high resolution image is displayed at 580px width and 2000px when enlarged.

Click on Image to Enlarge


  1. The Great War banner recognizes women's roles during times of conflict, where they worked in factories and served as nurses. This shows the resilience of women as well as their versatility. Younger generations can be educated about the impact women had in society and the war effort. This helps younger generations to participate willingly in global and societal issues. Women who served in the Great War create a social evolution still being fought today through gender equality. The banner respects women who sacrificed and contributed to America winning the war.

  2. H'mm - - no mention of the female volunteers in the YMCA. Got a couple of the YWCA, Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc., but no mention of the thousands who were also in the YMCA - - two were KIA in Europe!

  3. No mention of the women journalists, whose job it was to go into harm's way.

  4. As a women's historian, I applaud the intent and effort that went into this banner. No, it doesn't include every organization or occupation but it introduces the subject to further exploration. Thank you for chipping away at the prevalent fallacy that women stayed home waiting for their hero to return.
