Saturday, May 23, 2020

New Paired Memorials at Halifax and Passchendaele

I continue to learn of new WWI memorials that were dedicated as part of the recent Centennial commemorations. These two monuments below connect Halifax, Nova Scotia, from which 350,000 Canadian soldiers departed for the Western Front, and Flanders, where it is believed over half of the 67,000 Canadians who died in the war fell.

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Embarkation Point for Departing Troops at Halifax

Canada Gate Is Located at Crest Farm from Which Canadian Forces Launched Their Final Assault to Capture the Village of Passchendaele, November 1917


  1. Nice article, is there a monument from where the Newfoundlanders departed or did they also leave from Halifax?

  2. No monument at the departure site but there is one of the Trail of the Caribou statues in Bowring Park, St. Johns. Also remember that Newfoundland wasn't a part of Canada until 1949.
