Now all roads lead to France and heavy is the tread
Of the living; but the dead returning lightly dance.
Edward Thomas, Roads

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

First Victory for the U.S. Air Service — A Roads Classic

Alan Winslow, Douglas Campbell, John Huffer,
94th Aero Sq.

The first U.S. Air Service aerial victories by fighter planes in the American sector in France were by Lts. Alan Winslow and Douglas Campbell, two pilots of the 94th Aero Squadron, which had just been transferred to the front. On Sunday morning, 14 April 1918, they were on "alert" at Gengoult Aerodrome near Toul, France. German planes were reported in the area and the two U.S. pilots, completely inexperienced in aerial combat, took off in their Nieuport 28s. Almost immediately they saw two German aircraft and attacked them directly over the flying field at less than 1,000 feet altitude, in full view of not only the Americans at Gengoult Aerodrome, but also the French citizens of Toul. Winslow and Campbell shot down two German airplanes and were back on the ground in a matter of minutes. This initial fighter combat by the U.S. Air Service, was  probably successful due as much to luck as skill. Fifteen years later, Winslow described the event in Liberty magazine:

Spring. The airdrome at Toul. A chill early-morning mist blankets the field. 

Douglas Campbell and I are on emergency service, which at the moment consists of waiting and a game of Russian bank. Somewhere over the lines Eddie Rickenbacker and Reed Chambers are on their first patrol. 

A telephone call from headquarters: Two German planes are reported over the near-by village of Boug. 

We run to our waiting planes. I take off first. I clear the trees bordering the field. 

There, directly before me, diving out of the mist, is a German Albatross. 

We fight no more than a few feet above the tree tops. 

The entire population of Toul comes out to watch. One of my bullets actually pierces the ear of a startled peasant. (Afterward he was extremely proud of that bullet. It was his own personal war relic.) 

The fight is over in less than four minutes; I land, climb out of my cockpit, and run toward the German pilot whose plane has just crashed to earth. He is surrounded by a chattering, excited crowd. I stand awkwardly on one foot and then on the other. I am only twenty-one and this is my first air victory. 

Alan Winslow (1896–1933) was a veteran of the Lafayette Flying Corps, who subsequently joined the American Air Service and was assigned to the 94th Aero Squadron. After the event described above he continued flying until he was shot down on 31 July 1918 and became a prisoner of war for the duration. He was wounded in the left arm, which was subsequently amputated by German doctors. In his later life he became an executive for Pan Am and wrote the 1933 series of articles on the air war for Liberty magazine quoted above  titled "No Parachutes." Later the same year he died due to a fall from his hotel room during a business trip to Ottawa. Various writers have speculated this may have been a suicide because of the loss of his wife or other reasons. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Lt. Winslow with His Downed German Fighter
and Admiring French

San Francisco-born Douglas Campbell (1896–1990) was assigned to the 94th Aero Squadron on 1 March 1918. He and Lt. Alan Winslow shared the squadron's first official victory over an enemy aircraft on 14 April 1918. Flying the Nieuport 28, Campbell was the first United States Air Service pilot trained in the United States to score five confirmed victories. Scoring his final victory on 5 June 1918, he and James Meissner shot down a Rumpler near Nancy, but Campbell was wounded in the back by an explosive bullet and sent home to recover. Promoted to captain, he returned to France on 8 November 1918 and served with the Army of Occupation in Germany. Returning to the United States on 1 January 1919, Campbell was discharged from the army on 24 February. After the war, he first worked in South America for W.R. Grace and then shifted over to the commercial aviation industry.  He eventually became general manager of Pan American.

Sources:  U.S. Air Force National Museum, 1st Fighter Association,  Find-a-Grave, and The Aerodrome Websites


  1. William P. GonzalezOctober 2, 2024 at 2:13 PM

    The bravery of Campbell and Winslow serving in the 94th Aerial Squadron with limited training against experienced German pilots is beyond the call of duty. Their bravery was a stepping stone in boosting American confidence in air-to-air combat. Military commanders were able to initiate training programs as well as develop innovative aerial combat techniques. Not to be confused with the Lafayette Escadrille, also known as the Harvard Volunteers, the 94th Aerial Squadron was started when America entered World War One. Therefore, the 94th Aerial Squadron was technically the beginning of the United States Air Force. Eddie Rickenbacker was a pilot with the 94th and received the Medal of Honor.

  2. Here is American war correspondent Don Martin's, my grandfather, story of the awards to Winslow and Campbell, dated Wednesday, April 17, and published in the New York Herald on April 18.
    American war cross awarded to 2 lieutenants
    who downed 2 boche aviators in 2 minutes
    Entire French Town, Soldiers and All, Join in Demonstration and Congratulations-- Don Martin Gets First Interview with Youthful Victors and Finds Them Overwhelmed by the Flood of Compliments—Bravery Sets High Mark

    The American Cross of War was presented on Wednesday to Lieutenants Alan F. Winslow and Douglas Campbell, the two youthful American aviators who on Sunday, in record time, brought down two Boche airplanes of the finest and swiftest type. The highest tributes were paid to the two sturdy, athletic youngsters, who showed that Americans can hold their own in the air any time.
    Less than two minutes after the actual combat started the Americans scored a clean victory, which was marked by skillful manoeuvring by the youths, who are typical of all Americans ready for fights.
    I had luncheon today with Lieutenants Winslow and Campbell, and found them much embarrassed by the flood of compliments coming from everywhere—mostly from the French. They told me for the Herald the first story of just how they brought the Boche aviators down.
    “As soon as the alert signal was given ‘Doug’ and I started up, climbing swiftly,” said Lieutenant Winslow. “Possibly four hundred kilometres up I noticed a Boche airplane heading straight for me. I went after him, both firing rapidly. He turned around and I went after the tail of his machine, pouring shot into him in a steady stream, and he also firing all the time.
    “Finally I got him. When he landed I went down and saw that his machine was finished, so then I went aloft to help ‘Doug,’ who was taking good care of his man. Before I got there ‘Doug’s’ work did the trick, and the Boche airplane, all ablaze fell. It was four minutes from the time we went up until we returned. Just luck, that’s all—luck for us to get the call to go up, though any of the boys would have done the same thing.
    Lieutenant Winslow looked his prisoner over later and offered him a cigarette. Lieutenant Campbell’s man was badly burned, but the other Boche was unhurt. Lieutenant Winslow’s man was a Pole, with two years experience. They both expressed amazement that the Americans were able to handle themselves so well in the air. The prisoners said that they lost their way in the mist. The story is not believed, as it is thought they were aiming to attack the hangars with inflammable bullets found in their guns.
