Cameron Highlanders at Festubert
By David Craig
After the early 1915 battles of Neuve Chapelle (a British success) and Aubers Ridge (a failure due to inadequate artillery fire), Joffre and Foch continued to put pressure on Sir John
French to continue offensive action. The day after the
failure at Aubers Ridge, and despite the heavy fighting
involving the defense of Ypres by the Second Army,
planning for a further offensive operation on the Artois
front was ordered. The BEF had a manpower shortage
as newly raised divisions were being held in the UK
while decisions were made to send them either to the
Western Front or to Egypt. Despite the shortage of gun
ammunition on the Western Front, French had been
ordered to send much of his 4.5-inch howitzer
ammunition to the Dardanelles and the BEF was
reduced, at one point, to 92 rounds of ammunition for
every rifle.
British Battlefields in Artois Early 1915
Nevertheless, Haig continued to plan a further assault
on the Artois. The bitter experience of Aubers Ridge
convinced him that, in the face of the developed
German defenses and well-sited machine guns, a rapid
infantry assault with distant objectives preceded by a
short and sudden burst of intensive artillery fire was no
longer possible. He planned to adopt the French
pattern of a long methodical bombardment by heavy
artillery to destroy the enemy's wire, strongpoints, and
machine guns before the infantry was sent forward,
with artillery moving forward in support. By 12 May a
plan had been developed for an attack much reduced
in scale from the Aubers Ridge attack, with two attacks
600 yards apart (as opposed to 6000) and objectives
of 1000 yards (as opposed to 3000).
A night attack on a one-mile front would enter the first
two lines of German defenses, with a further attack at
dawn, accompanied by a new simultaneous attack on a
half-mile front just north of Festubert village. Again it
was hoped that as the attackers spread out, they
would join up. Air activity would now include bombing
various German rest points and observation posts in
the rear area. The intention was to wear down the
defenders before the assault, acknowledgment being
made that the long preliminary preparations would
lose any element of surprise. Field artillery was
carefully registered and the fire of the heavy artillery
observed and corrected. (The observers would report
that again many howitzer shells failed to explode,
providing evidence of manufacturing failures.)
At 11:30 p.m. on 15 May the Meerut Division attacked
with mixed results. In places the German defenses
were breached and the second line taken, but on the
right of the attack the Germans illuminated the
battlefield with searchlights and flares and heavy
machine gun fire stalled the attackers.
At first light, 3:15 on 16 May, the 7th Division attacked
in the south. Despite German machine gun fire, the
attacking troops broke into the German position and
took the front line but were unable to make further
progress. At 9:30 a.m. the gap between the two
attacks had still not been closed. However, as the day
wore on, small local attacks by the British continued to
improve their situation. Fighting continued overnight.
The German defenders in the south had been given
orders to withdraw to a new line three quarters of a
mile in the rear. At 2:45 a.m. on the 17th the British
guns carried out a bombardment of German-held
trenches in the vicinity of a strongpoint called "the
quadrilateral.” So accurate was this fire that by 7:00
a.m. white flags were showing all along the line in this
area and a large number of Germans attempted to
surrender. Many were killed by their own artillery, but
some 450 managed to cross no-man's-land to the
British lines.
Captured German Front Line
Fighting continued until the 18th, with both sides now
nearing exhaustion and the attackers increasingly
unable to make progress as German resistance
stiffened on their new front line. On 19 May the line
was taken over by the Canadian 1st Division and over
the next nine days repeated attacks continued to gain
ground, but by 25 May both sides were consolidating
their new lines as fighting diminished. Despite German
efforts the British held their new positions.
That day the battle was shut down. Although results
had been, in the words of the official historian,
"tantalizing," the shortage of gun ammunition in First
Army was such that continued offensive operations
were simply not feasible. The fighting ability of the BEF
was increasing, partly because of the "battle
hardening" of raw troops and party due to the influx of
recovered 1914 wounded and re-enlisted old soldiers,
many with experience of fighting in South Africa or
even older wars. Commanders were learning how to
mount successful operations against entrenched
positions, although much still needed to be learned.
Though no German reserves had been called on to
deal with the attack in the Battle of Aubers Ridge on
the 9th of May the operation at Festubert had brought
to the battle every German who could be spared.
British Official History
British losses were 11,739 wounded, 2,151 dead, and
2,758 missing.
If the Aubers Ridge battle was a complete failure, the
change in tactics delivered near success a mere three
weeks later.
Source: Over the Top, July 2015
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