Monday, July 1, 2024

Remembering: 108 Years Ago Today—The Battle of the Somme Begins


The River Somme Looking North Toward the Battlefield

Today is the 108th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.  Here is a "Roads Classic" with 30 of my favorite articles on the great struggle that I've published over the years. It's an expanded version from the 1 July 2021 presentation. Just click on the title to access the article. MH

Images from the First Day on the Somme

Ten Quotes About the Battle of the Somme

My Battle of the Somme Slide Show, Part I

My Battle of the Somme Slide Show, Part II

France and the Battle of the Somme

The German Experience at the Battle of the Somme

The View from Leipzig Salient, Thiepval Ridge, 1 July 1916

Interviewing Martin Middlebrook

The Battle of the Somme: The First Proving Ground for British Air Power?

What Happened at Gommecourt on 1 July 1916

One Pals Battalion and One Man's Story from 1 July 1916

Just Where Did Those "Soccer Balls of the Somme" Get Kicked?

Remembering a Veteran: Hero, General and Fatality of the First Day on the Somme – Bertie Prowse

Devonshire Cemetery & "Before Action"

Alan Seeger Meets His Redezvous with Death

14 July 1916—British and Indian Cavalry Attack High Wood

Machine Gun Lessons from the Somme

The First Tank Attack

The Pozières Tank Corps Memorial

Beaumont Hamel? It Was All About Y-Ravine

After the Mine Exploded, What Happened on Hawthorn Ridge, 1 July 1916?

Hard Slogging on the Somme: The Guards Division at Lesbœufs, September 1916

Kiwis at the Somme Remembered

The Canadian Corps Takes Courcelette

South Africa on the Somme:   The Battle for Delville Wood

Gueudecourt: The Royal Newfoundland Regiment's Second Battle at the Somme

Ten Almost Random Thoughts on the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme: Part I

Ten Almost Random Thoughts on the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, Part II

After 142 Days the Battle of the Somme Ends

Rancourt and Its Chapel of Remembrance

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