Now all roads lead to France and heavy is the tread
Of the living; but the dead returning lightly dance.
Edward Thomas, Roads

Monday, February 27, 2023

Recommended: Andy Belsey's Trench Section Models

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Visit this site to view 32 slides of Andy's various models like the example above. The level of authentic detail is amazing. British, French, and German approaches are included. One of my favorites shows how underground mining was conducted below the trench lines. There is a low-key commercial aspect to the site, but it focuses on how-to-do-it instructional products for serious modelers who wish to develop their own specimens.

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Thanks to Kimball Worcester for the heads up.


  1. Are those colorized photos from WW I? Seriously, absolutely fantastic work!!

    Steve Miller, frustrated modeler

  2. Very enjoyable viewing. Well done!
