Now all roads lead to France and heavy is the tread
Of the living; but the dead returning lightly dance.
Edward Thomas, Roads

Friday, December 15, 2023

A Photo Album of Austria-Hungary's Submarine Fleet

In June 2019 the Free Trieste Movement hosted in the club at the first floor of its Piazza della Borsa 7 office the historical photo exhibit 1914-18: Trieste and Austria-Hungary’s Submarines organized by Civiltà Mitteleuropea and curated by Alessandro Mlach. Here are a selection from that exhibit.

In Pola with Unidentified Battleship

SMU-12’s crew, with Commander Egon Lerch

Meeting at sea after a long mission

Action in the Adriatic

Commander Georg von Trapp’s SMU-5

SMU-1 in Trieste

Loading a torpedo on an SMU

Submarine Sailor of the Dual-Monarchy

Source: Il Corriere di Trieste, 14 August 2019


  1. The novelist John Biggins has written a terrific tetralogy about a Czech submarine captain fighting for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is carefully researched, extremely entertaining historical fiction at its finest. The reader feels that he has first hand knowledge of what it was like to fight in submarines (and, in one book, airplanes) in the Great War.

  2. Thank you for an excellent article on the naval forces of Austria Hungary!!!
