Now all roads lead to France and heavy is the tread
Of the living; but the dead returning lightly dance.
Edward Thomas, Roads

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Weapons of War: Germany's Maschinengewehr 08

MG 08 in Action

Maschinengewehr 08 (MG08)—The MG08 was a heavy machine gun used by the German Empire during World War I. It was developed from the Maxim gun and was designed to provide sustained and accurate firepower to infantry units. Under optimal conditions the MG08 could fire 450 rounds/min. of 7.92 x 57mm Mauser ammunition over 6,600 ft. The ammunition was fed via a cloth belt on a 250-round strip. The muzzle velocity was 2,900 ft/sec.  The gun weighed 58 lbs, and with the sledge mount (see next photo) the unit came to 140 lbs. The MG08 stayed in service for the German Army through both World Wars.  

The MG08 played a vital role in trench warfare, where its ability to deliver a high volume of fire made it a valuable asset for defending and attacking positions. It was typically crewed by a team of gunners who fed the gun with belts of ammunition and had a water cooling system to prevent overheating. In 1915, work began on a lighter version of the weapon designated the MG08/15. It proved easier to produce and was soon available in more plentiful supply throughout the remainder of the war. However, it had serious accuracy limitations and could be fired only in short bursts.

MG08—Smithsonian Collection

Around 17,000 MG08 machine guns and its variations were being built per month by 1917. This highlights the significant industrial capacity that Germany possessed during the war. The level of production showcased the importance the German military placed on equipping their troops with powerful and reliable firepower. 

However, the  MG08 was heavier and more difficult to repair in the field  than was the British Vickers gun. It was also fired from a heavy four-legged "sledge" mount. This mount frequently proved difficult to use in the trenches, and a wide variety of extemporized "trench mounts" were produced. These mounts put MG08 gunners at a disadvantage, as they precluded the use barrage, indirect, or overhead fire.  

Charles Baskerville—
Improvised Use of MG08 Machine Gun

Sources: Source:  Imperial War Museum; The Military Factory; Smithsonian; U.S. Army Art Collection


  1. Other Entries Link doesn't work right

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I've been unable to get that search link working properly so I've had to delete it. If you are looking for something specific, try the little site search engine in the upper left corner.

  2. William P. GonzalezAugust 17, 2024 at 5:19 AM

    The article reveals the challenges Germany had with heavy weapons such as the MG08, which played a pivotal role in World War 1. However, the MG08 was difficult to repair and transport. These flaws gave an advantage to the British with their production of the British Vickers gun. In modern warfare, such as the conflict in Ukraine, there has been an improvement in heavy weaponry and accuracy. Ukraine uses the AK74 and the light machine gun, such as the PKM, which is air-cooled and light. Russia uses the PKP Pecheneg machine gun, which is still heavy but more reliable than the MG08 because of the forced air-cooled barrel, which eliminates
