Now all roads lead to France and heavy is the tread
Of the living; but the dead returning lightly dance.
Edward Thomas, Roads

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

World War I and Its Lessons for Today: Lecture by Victor Davis Hanson (Video)



  1. A great prsentation by an extraordinay man whose intellect and knowledge in regard to WW! and WW2 was fascinating.

  2. As a graduate of the Naval War College and a citizen who has devoted nearly 40 years to the service of our Armed Forces including time with the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Army both in and out of uniform; I am saddened by Roads giving voice to a ''political animal'' such as VDH who has chosen to publicly praise leaders who grovel to tyrants while publicly denigrating the ''appeasement'' policies of others. In my opinion, he has left his academic reputation in the dust of his own political bias.

    1. Your writing paints a vivid portrait of your Lefty political leanings. VDH is a brilliant writer, one with many devotees, but I guess one can not say his credentials include being a graduate of the Naval War College and stints in the various armed services that give one that self satisfaction of being an authority on just about everything.

    2. Hardly 'lefty' nor am I an authority on anything. I don't doubt VDH's brilliance but his loudly proclaimed opinions deny him any ability to be an objective historian. Merry Christmas to you too.

    3. I heartily agree. VDH is just one of a number of examples of previously serious people whose affinity for Trumpian authoritarian populism has thoroughly discredited their historical, political, and moral judgments.

  3. I enjoy hearing VDH analyzing the politics of the 20th century.

  4. I'll take VDH against anybody willing to square off with him!
