James Reese Europe and the
Lt. Europe and the Band Aboard Ship
John Philip Sousa . . . was not the only American bandsman to play a
crucial role during the Great War . . . [I]n many ways the black
musician James Reese Europe was equally consequential. Europe was born
in Mobile, AL, in 1880, and when he was nine years old his family
moved to Washington, DC, where they lived just a few doors from the
Sousa residence. Sousa and the Marine Band claimed a long-standing
relationship with the black community in Washington. Members of the band
also taught promising black children. Among them was young James Reese
Europe, who received instruction in piano and violin.
In 1904 Europe went to New York, where he directed shows and, in 1910,
organized a black musicians' union. Performances with his own symphony
orchestra at Carnegie Hall followed, and almost overnight Europe
achieved professional notice as both composer and conductor . . .
Noble Sissle Bandmaster & Vocalist |
In the summer of 1916, almost a year before America entered the war, a
new all-black regiment of the New York National Guard was formed, and
that September Europe enlisted as a private and was immediately assigned
to a machine gun company. By this time Jim Europe had developed
important associations with musicians like James Herber (Eubie) Blake
and Noble Sissle, and Europe explained to the latter that, having lived
in New York for sixteen years, he felt the need for an organization of
Negro men that could "bring together all classes of men for a common
good." Sissle enlisted shortly after Europe, and their commanding
officer, recognizing the importance of music and parades in establishing
morale, asked Europe to organize and develop the finest band in the
U.S. Army. Initially Europe was reluctant, but when his requests for an
expansion of the standard complement of twenty-eight musicians to
forty-four and a handsomely increased budget were met, . . he relented
. . .
Jim Europe's growing sense of patriotism was especially remarkable in
light of the persistent discrimination that he and all black American
soldiers encountered. Following America's entrance into the war, for
example, a request by the 15th Regiment for inclusion in the farewell
parade down Fifth Avenue was rejected. This insult was compounded by a
remark made to Europe as they marched off to join the Rainbow Division
in France, to the effect that "black was not one of the colors of the
rainbow." Shortly thereafter the announcement that the 15th Regiment
would take up training at Spartanburg, SC, brought a warning
from the town's mayor, dutifully reported in the New York Times, that
"with their northern ideas about race equality, they will probably
expect to be treated like white men."
A series of racist incidents followed. Although the band's concerts were
warmly appreciated by many Spartanburg residents, it was ultimately
deemed best that the all-black regiment be transferred. Rather than
indicate retreat by shipping them to another location in the United
States, it was determined that the group should be sent to France to
complete their training. Ultimately the regiment joined a convoy to
France, arriving on New Year's Day 1918. They were the first black American combat group to set foot on French soil, and their band
immediately struck up the "Marseillaise" in a rhythmically spirited
rendition that French soldiers initially failed to recognize as their
own national anthem. Orders came from General Pershing to proceed to a
center where an engineering detachment was busy building facilities to
support a multi-million-man force, and musical instruments were
exchanged for pick and shovel. Assignments were made even more difficult
by the traditional injunction against black soldiers serving with white
Eventually American entertainment organizers got word that Europe's band
was in France, and when they heard the group in person they were
completely won over. Orders followed from General Pershing to have them
transferred to a location where they could entertain soldiers who were
on a week's leave. In the period that followed, Europe and his band
played in numerous places, and programs that featured Sousa's "Stars and
Stripes Forever" and "plantation" melodies and finished with "Memphis
Blues" invariably brought down the house. "Jazz spasms" and
"ragtime-itis," to use Sissle's words, worked the crowds into a frenzy.
France, which had previously "gone ragtime wild" over performances by
John Philip Sousa in 1900 now came down with a high fever.
Europe the Musician |
Repeated attempts to have the 15th Regiment reassigned to combat duty
fell on deaf ears because of America's Jim Crow policies. The unit was
given two choices: return to the United States and await assignment to a
proposed black division, or accept immediate transfer to the French
Army, which had already integrated French colonial troops into its ranks
and was now in desperate need of reinforcements. The regiment's
commanding officer accepted the latter proposal at once, and at the end
of March Europe's regiment, carrying the colors of New York State,
marched to the front and became the first American unit to join a French
combat force. The 15th Infantry Regiment vanished and the 369th
Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, was born.
The soldiers of the new Trois Cents Soixante-Neuvième, as they were
dubbed, soon impressed the French as well as the enemy with their
adeptness at throwing grenades and in hand-to-hand bayonet combat.
Although the signs of bigotry typically encountered with American troops
remained largely out of sight, numerous cartoons of the period
emphasized that the Poilu was French and white, and portrayed black
soldiers "as stupid and even savage." The Germans also bristled and
charged that the Allies had "brought black troops to subdue European
soldiers. . ."
Nonetheless, genuine friendships developed between the French and black
American soldiers, and the level of cooperation between the two forces
seemed nothing short of miraculous in light of recent experiences in the
U.S. Army. Here both sides needed each other. They were soon ordered to
move closer to the front, and Lieutenant Europe turned over his
responsibilities with the band and took charge of instructing his troops
in the use of the French machine guns and protection from gas attacks.
Europe was the first black American officer to lead his troops into
combat during the Great War, and of that he was understandably very
proud. During this period Europe gained firsthand experience with raids
into No Man's Land, and in time so did his troops. Sissle remained
behind with the regimental band, which continued to perform . . .
Europe and his machine gunners came under heavy German artillery fire
during the third week in June 1918, and Europe, the victim of a gas
attack, was transferred to a field hospital. When Sissle arrived at the
gas ward to check on him, Europe was propped up in bed with a notebook
in his hands. As Sissle approached, Europe announced that he had just
completed the chorus of "On Patrol in No Man's Land," based on the
bombardment the night before. It was to become one of the band's most
popular hits after the group's return to the United States.
On Patrol in No Man's Land
What the time? Nine?
Fall in line
Alright, boys, now take it slow
Are you ready? Steady!
Very good, Eddie.
Over the top, let's go
Quiet, lie it, else you'll start a riot
Keep your proper distance, follow 'long
Cover, brother, and when you see me hover
Obey my orders and you won't go wrong
There's a Minenwerfer coming —
look out (bang!)
Hear that roar (bang!), there's one more (bang!)
Stand fast, there's a Very light
Don't gasp or they'll find you all right
Don't start to bombing with those hand grenades (rat-a-tat-tat-tat)
There's a machine gun, holy spades!
Alert, gas! Put on your mask
Adjust it correctly and hurry up fast
Drop! There's a rocket from the Boche barrage
Down, hug the ground, close as you can, don't stand
Creep and crawl, follow me, that's all
What do you hear? Nothing near
Don't fear, all is clear
That's the life of a stroll
When you take a patrol
Out in No Man's Land
Ain't it grand?
Out in No Man's Land
Europe the Warrior |
Jim Europe was sent to Paris for a few weeks to recover from the gas
attack, and then, in August, his band was ordered back to Paris to give a
concert at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées. The program, dominated by
national airs, was ecstatically received. In the fading months of the
war Europe's group played countless concerts that held Allied audiences
spellbound. . .Europe could report that although his band. . .played to 50,000 people, at least, and, had we wished it, we might be
playing yet."
A few weeks after the Armistice the "Hellfighters" of the 369th Infantry
Regiment were awarded the Croix de Guerre. And when the final tally was
made, it was discovered that the 191 days the regiment had spent in
action was the longest stretch served by any group of American soldiers,
black or white, during the Great War. Yet they had always fought
attached to a foreign service and had never been attached to an American
brigade or division.
The regiment arrived back in the United States on SS La France on
12 February 1919, and five days later they held a joyous victory parade
up Fifth Avenue and home to Harlem. The less pleasant memories of the
regiment's departure in the fall of 1917 were momentarily erased, and
the denial of permission to black troops to join in the victory parade
down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, following the Civil War
was all but forgotten. . .
Jim Europe was discharged from active duty on 25 February 1919, and he
immediately set about making plans for a national tour with his 369th
Hellfighters. It was launched on March 16 with a performance in New York. . . Four recording sessions were held during this period,.
The Glorious Return Home of the 369th Infantry |
After so recently escaping death at the front, Europe was fatally
stabbed in Boston on 9 May 1919, only two days after the fourth
recording session, by his drummer, Herbert Wright, following a
professional reprimand. James Reese Europe's promise had been
prematurely stilled . . .
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