Western Front Virtual Tour —
Stop 5: Ypres, North of the Menin Road

Stop 5: Ypres, North of the Menin Road
This week we visit some of the most famous sites on the northern side of the Menin Road. The first three stops figured in the earlier battles of 1914 or 1915, and the last two in the later campaigns. Please keep in mind we are just showing a selection of the most impressive sites on the Western Front. The Ypres Salient has dozens of sites worth stopping at.
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In August of 2010 my daughter, Susan DeBartolo, and I were honored to place wreath in honor of my aunt, US Army Reserve Nurse Helen Fairchild, who is buried in Somme American Cemetery, France. She served near Poperinghe at Dozinghem Casualty Clearing Station during Third Battle of Passchendaele. She died January 18, 1918.